09/21/14: Interfaith Service- International Day of Peace at Littlefield Church

Last Weekend's Interfaith Service-  International Day of Peace!

September 21, 2014: Beautiful day of interfaith in Dearborn, Michigan. Rev. Fran of Littlefield Presbyterian Church hosted and led the prayers in a service on the International Day of Peace.
Rev. Gepford lit the interfaith candle, Rabbi Skully sang a song from Scripture, brother Younes Makki recited the Adan and verses from the Holy Quran with his wonderful voice.
Imam Elahi called both Sheikh Hassan Habhab and Sheikh Mahmoud (representing, the IIK) to the podium and made his remarks followed with an Islamic meditation! The following is a summary of points from Imam Elahi's presentation!
It was 1981 (33 years ago this day) that the UN declared September 21st as the international Day of Peace, yet almost 1400 years ago, the Quran quoted a prayer from Jesus saying: peace be upon me, the day I was born, the day I die and the day I will be raised again!
The call for peace is coming from our Creator. He ordered all faithful to enter in to peace!
The enemies of peace are enemies of God, even if they speak in the name of God! They can even call themselves Islamic State, Jewish State.
When they hurt the innocent, from Palestine or Pakistan, Iraq or Afghanistan, Syria or Sudan, they are hurting the creator! Trust us when we tell you that Al-Qaeda, ISIS, Al-Nusra, Bokoharam don't represent anything Islamic.They are evil criminals, a big conspiracy against our faith and against humanity.
They represent hate, hypocrisy, choosing tools of terrorism, brutality and barbarism to satisfy not God but their greed and selfishness. Sad that they are able to recruit so many victims of poverty, ignorance or injustice to their army of evil and aggression.
700 times in the Quran God is recognized with His mercy and love, not anger and hate! We pray to you O Lord, to guide us all to the path of peace, in such a world full of war, violence and injustice!
Help us began the journey of peace from our hearts! Cure our hearts from any hate, any disease of depression and hopelessness and fill it with health, happiness and hope.
Make every day of our life a day of international peace and justice, a day of prayer and purity, a day of truth and trust, a day of day of courage and commitment, day of determination and action. Amen!

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