Great Arbaeen Blood Donation Turn out at IHW

10/08/2020:Today was a great day of contribution of blood to honor the Arbaeen of master of martyrs of freedom and justice, our beloved Imam Hussein, his family and companions(sa)

The Red Cross staff were astonished of passion and enthusiasm of our generous community!
After they took over 40 full units of blood from faithful brothers and sisters they asked for another date to return and receive blood donation from the volunteers who passionately rushed to this House of God to give blood and save lives during this tragic time Coronavirus pandemic, but didn’t get chance to do it today!
God bless the wonderful workers of Red Cross and members of our charitable community!
Imam Elahi joined the group and participated on this beautiful practice, started since the establishment of IHW 25 years ago! 🙏🌹

Watch on youtube: HERE

IHW Office