This afternoon at First Baptist Church in Detroit!

Summary of Imam Elahi's lecture at the Michigan Girl Scouts Interfaith Service addressing the theme of "Respect":

"Salaam Alaikum" marks the beginning of respectful communication in Islam.

Expressing gratitude is an attitude of thankfulness. Appreciation is extended to the Girl Scouts leaders, teachers, and students. Who loved to watch the Lions yet didn’t miss this graceful gathering this afternoon.

Effective communication involves courtesy, speaking with honor and kindness, and listening with passion, attention, and empathy.

Beyond God, parents deserve your utmost respect. Siblings should support each other, fostering a relationship of help rather than harm.

Respecting your neighbors is essential. All people on this planet should be considered neighbors, with respect extended to their life, intellect, integrity, faith, and property.

Being ambassadors of peace and justice involves rejecting violence, war, and terrorism.

In 2023, there were approximately 700 mass shootings in America. Amidst current global turmoil, some regions experience over 700 mass shootings daily. Prayers are needed to end these human tragedies.

Imam Ali (as) emphasized that the best legacy for the new generation is not cash but courtesy. Character is the highest currency that can be passed on to young girls and boys.

Imam Ali advised his children: Like for others what you like for yourselves and dislike for others what you dislike for urself.

If you desire respect, respect others. Don’t oppress as you don’t like to be oppressed!

‎يا بني اجعل نفسك ميزانًا فيما بينك وبين غيرك، فأحبب لغيرك ما تحب لنفسك، وأكره له ما تكره لها، ولا تظلم كما لا تحب أن تظلم، وأحسن كما تحب أن يحسن إليك

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