11/20/14: 4 Community Dignitaries Honored at the Islamic House of Wisdom

Join us for Friday Prayer at 12:30pm... This week's theme by Imam Elahi:
"Work (righteousness): Soon will Allah observe your work, and His Messenger, and the Believers" 9:105 

Sunday Service & Breakfast at 11:00am:  Lessons of Nahjul-Balagha with Imam Elahi

Sunday Islamic School Continues 11am-1pm: For ages 4-13:  Islamic Lessons in English in the warm atmosphere of the masjid! Reply to this email or call (313) 359-1221 to enroll your children!

Successful Semi-Annual Fundraising Dinner at the IHW! 
View Photo Highlights of the Occasion: HERE 

A crowd of 500 guests gathered at the Islamic House of Wisdom from religious leaders, Interfaith, Council of Imams of MMCC, elected officials, Mayor of Dearborn Heights- Mr. Daniel Paletko, Mayor of Wayne- Mr. Abdul "Al" Haidous, Consul-General of Lebanon-Mr. Bilal Qabalan, Chairman and board members of Islamic Center of America, Bint Jbeil, Message of Hope, Al-Beqa, and a good number of community leaders, activists, teachers and professionals. 

Dr. Mohammad Ajjour, the founding Chairman and a member of IHW's Advisory Council  welcomed the dinner guests and spoke about services and contributions of IHW to the community. 

During this dinner, 4 distinguished guests were honored for their qualities and  contributions to our community and country.

  • Sir Michel Berry was introduced by IHW Vice Chair person, Hajjah Vicki Ashker and was honored for an Outstanding lifetime of Leadership, Vision, Courageous Community and National Outreach, Hard work and Social Services!
  • Hajjah Neemat Haidous Turfe was introduced by Dr. Hoda Amin and honored for Outstanding Faith and Family values, Humanitarian Services and promoting the Culture of Cooperation and Volunteerism in the Community.
  • Dr. Mahmoud Al-Hadidi was introduced by Mr. Osama Siblini, Editor of the Arab American News For Outstanding Dedication, Community Leadership, Promoting Unity, Moderation and Social Services!
  • Sayyed Hamid Al-Sadr was introduced by Hajj Ali Ghossein For Outstanding Moral Values, Great Family Background and Sincere Services to the Sadr Foundation. 

The keynote speaker of the ceremony was Imam Mohammad Ali Elahi, the founding imam of IHW who spoke about the mission of the mosque and its role in constructing the character of the community based on faith and moral values. Creating a truthful, trustworthy, just, compassionate, caring, hardworking, educated, ethical and confident community is the main mission of the mosque.     

Imam Elahi stated that the mosque will succeed in its mission only with people's participation, engagement and support. He warned the families about the crisis of the youth, consisting the threat of drugs, drinking, depression, crime and suicide. The imam encouraged the community to participate in the mosque services, programs and activities with their children with an emphasis on Friday prayer.
He pointed out that the role of mosques are more than a lecture that can be found online. The experiences of unity, interaction, celebration of similarities, family and personal development, working for a common destiny, practicing charity are just a few elements that the mosque enables for a stronger community.

Imam emphasized on the role of Friday prayer in uniting and maintaining the community and thanked God that since the establishment of the Islamic House of Wisdom 19 years ago, the Friday prayer was never canceled and always begins sharp on time.

In the last part of his message the imam spoke about the social and political challenges of the community, in particular the tragedy of Takfiry theology and extremism. He condemned the recent crimes of ISIS in beheading the American aid worker, Peter Kassig (Abdol-Rahman) and19 Syrian citizens. He also condemned Islamophobia and some Christian extremists who could not even tolerate the prayer of peaceful Muslims who were invited to hold their Friday prayer in Washington National Cathedral. He asked Muslims and Christians to work together against hate, injustice, racism, war and violence. 

Special thanks to all who contributed to the success of this dinner!

Nov. 18, 2014-  Hundreds of members of the Muslim and interfaith communities attended a planning meeting with the commission of Plymouth Township to discuss a proposed mosque to be built on 5 mile road. 

Channel 2 - Detroit - HERE

The room was packed of many supporters in favor of building of the new mosque, including Imam Mohammad Ali Elahi of the Islamic House of Wisdom who participated in solidarity.

Not everyone present in the meeting was pleased with the mosque proposal as heard by some of the opposing views of the meeting. Some opponents of the mosque construction raised concerns about the possibility of higher traffic.

Imam Elahi was one of the first on the side of support who approached the podium in favor of diversity in the area. Although he is from the Islamic House of Wisdom located in Dearborn Heights, he came to support the establishment of a mosque for the Muslim residents of Plymouth Township and neighboring cities.

"The mosque is about and for the community, it's about creating a peaceful and respectful community. To see the traffic of people going to a place of worship whether it's a mosque or a church makes me happy, not worried",  the imam said.

After listening to the opinions both for and against, finally the planning commission unanimously approved the construction of the new mosque.

Imam Elahi thanked Dennis Cebulski and all members of the planning commission for showing understanding and support towards the congregation interested in building the new place of worship. The Chairman, Cebulski also thanked imam Elahi for his interfaith efforts and Islamic House of Wisdom's position against ISIS and other terrorist organizations.

IHW Admin