Text of imam Elahi interfaith prayer today in Lansing!

This morning in Lansing!

Calling for recognizing the will of the voters, defending not only our democracy but the basic moral values and principles!

Before prayer, I would like to congratulate president-elect Joe Biden and vice-president-elect Kamala Harris for their victory on Nov 3rd and wish them a safe and successful transition.

I would also pray for our dedicated and determined governor Gretchen Whitmer who is courageously and gracefully risking and sacrificing her political comforts for the sake of protecting our people and our great state against this unseen enemy.

يَا أَيُّهَا النَّاسُ إِنَّا خَلَقْنَاكُمْ مِنْ ذَكَرٍ وَأُنْثَىٰ وَجَعَلْنَاكُمْ شُعُوبًا وَقَبَائِلَ لِتَعَارَفُوا ۚ إِنَّ أَكْرَمَكُمْ عِنْدَ اللَّهِ أَتْقَاكُمْ ۚ إِنَّ اللَّهَ عَلِيمٌ خَبِيرٌ

O, people! We created you from a male and a female, and We made you races and tribes, so that you may come to know one another. The best among you before Allah is the most righteous. Allah is Knowing and Aware. The Quran: 49-13

O Lord, we have gathered here today to pray not only for our nation’s democracy, dialogue and the victory of their votes and vision but for the victory of basic decency, truth and moral values.

O Lord, Freedom and responsibility were Your greatest favors to humankind, but You also sent us the message of love and peace, justice and truth, hope and healing, honesty and honor through Your heavenly ambassadors on this earth from Abraham, to Moses, Jesus and Mohammad (pbut)

O Lord at this tragic time, this virus worse than any weapon has already destroyed the lives of hundreds of thousands of our fellow citizens and millions of our fellow human beings, please save us from this pandemic and also from the pandemics of hate and hypocrisy, blindness and brutality, greed and selfishness, racism and rebellion, ego and arrogance.

O Lord this last Friday we celebrated the Universal Children’s Day, as a day of support and solidarity with all children, especially the ones who are suffering form hunger, poverty, disease and insecurity. O God please don’t punish our nation for the sins of the politicians who separating the children from their parents at the borders.

Please don’t punish our nation for the sins of the politicians who are helping the corrupt kings and war criminals in Yemen and other war zones in their daily genocide of the innocent children and their parents. We have nothing to do with the violation of human rights whether in our country or any other community.

O Lord, please help our new administration to practice what they preached during the election, to work hard for the victory over this virus, try all they can to heal our national wounds!

Make us one nation again!

End the isolation of our country and bringing back the integrity, image and interests of our nation by respecting the international laws and returning to international agreements signed and honored by previous administrations.

O God, help our politicians to make this transition of power peaceful, bless the Michigan and other states boards and decision makers to recognize the results of Nov 3rd election and celebrate the will and the voice of the voters.

Let it be the victory of values and principles, not parties and personalities,

Help us O Lord to turn this Thanksgiving to a festival of friendship, understanding, cooperation and building bridges of unity among this American family of every race, religion, color, culture or any other social orientations.

O Lord guide us in this journey with Your light, vision and wisdom. Amin

IHW Office
Revisiting IHW's 4 Hour Town-hall

Revisiting IHW's 4 Hour Town-hall: Addressing community concerns on issues such as depression, drugs, alcohol, domestic violence, youth issues real estate, fasting in Ramadan during the Coronavirus, spiritual preparation for Ramadan and more!

Your generous support is needed for IHW's Continuous Community Services through the Corona Crisis, Please send your donation, Online Here: https://ihw.breezechms.com/form/25years

The panelist included:

Wassim Mahfouz and Omnia Abdullah, Hajj David Abdallah, Dr. Mohamad Ajjour, Sayed Hamid Sadr, Dr. Mary Asseal, Hajj Abed Hammoud, Dr. Mohamad Dughayli, Dr. Shady Shebak and Dr. Kamal Khalil with Hosts Hajj Khalil Hashem, Mahdi Elahi and Imam Mohammad Ali Elahi.

Watch On Facebook: HERE

IHW Office
Sunday discussion with Hajja Maryam Eastman- Alawan & Dr. Hasan Restum!

Sunday discussion of Imam Mohammad Ali Elahi with Hajja Maryam Eastman- Alawan & Dr. Hasan Restum! At Islamic House of Wisdom!
Both were born in the US and went through the struggles of their times before the formation of the Muslim community in the area!
Speaking about their faith and social journeys before the establishments the first Islamic Center in Detroit!
Interesting message for our youth to listen, learn, love, and live with 🌹

Watch on Facebook: HERE

IHW Office
Discussion with Special Guests!

Imam Sayyed Mustafa Qazwini, the spiritual leader of the Islamic Center of Orange County in California, and his brother Imam Sayyed Mohammad Qazwini sharing their decades of outreach and services nationally and internationally during this virtual Sunday service at IHW!

Watch on Facebook: HERE

IHW Office
LIVE Virtual Interfaith Vigil: Prayers for Hope, Healing & Unity

Interfaith virtual visit, to both mourn the losses and Hopeful prayer for victory over this virus!
We are meeting tonight to mourn all the lost lives since the beginning of this painful pandemic,
We feel extremely sad for those who are still suffering.
We pray for their full and fast recovery
We also pray for overcoming the virus of fear, ignorance, misinformation, deception, and hypocrisy!
We ask the Lord for vision, for direction, and for a blessed, safe and healthy transition!
Heal our hearts O God with hope, love and harmony!
Enlighten our minds with wisdom!
Lead us to the straight path of peace, justice, respect and reconciliation!

Watch on Facebook: HERE

IHW Office
10/12/2020 Mourning for the victims of this vicious Coronavirus !

This evening in front of IHW mourning and prayer for the victims of Coronavirus and asking God for fast and full recovery of those tested positive, featuring the Islamic, Christians and Jewish religious leaders and a representative from medical community and some community activists !
Prayer for healing!
Prayer for good leadership
Inviting the nation to action and participation in coming elections!
Please listen to entire service and share your comments.

Watch on Facebook: HERE

IHW Office
Great Arbaeen Blood Donation Turn out at IHW

10/08/2020:Today was a great day of contribution of blood to honor the Arbaeen of master of martyrs of freedom and justice, our beloved Imam Hussein, his family and companions(sa)

The Red Cross staff were astonished of passion and enthusiasm of our generous community!
After they took over 40 full units of blood from faithful brothers and sisters they asked for another date to return and receive blood donation from the volunteers who passionately rushed to this House of God to give blood and save lives during this tragic time Coronavirus pandemic, but didn’t get chance to do it today!
God bless the wonderful workers of Red Cross and members of our charitable community!
Imam Elahi joined the group and participated on this beautiful practice, started since the establishment of IHW 25 years ago! 🙏🌹

Watch on youtube: HERE

IHW Office
International Interfaith Prayer by Imam Mohammad Ali Elahi of the Islamic House of Wisdom

Imam Elahi's opening prayer at the International leadership Conference by IPF on September 11th, 2020

اللهم أنت السلام ومنك السلام وإليك يعود السلام فحينا بالسلم و السلام يا ذا الجلال والإكرام ..

I am so humbled to be part of this prayer panel to bless this International Leadership Conference, organized by UPF!

Today is Sep 11, let’s first pray for those 3000 innocent souls whom we lost in that criminal terrorist tragedy 19 years ago today in NYC. and pray for their hearts broken families who are still waiting for truth, justice and right response!

We pray for them and millions of other victims of war and terrorism in other parts of this chaotic world.

Our peace and prayer also to the suffering families of more than 900,000 victims of this vicious corona virus in America and other nations!

O Lord of light, love and liberation!

Please help us during this testing time of turmoils and tragedies!

Let this be a time of transformation, time of global awakening from the nap of negligence, time of regret and repentance!

O God of Grace and Glory!

Protect us not only from the pain of this pandemic, but also the pain of prejudice, poverty, war and violence!

Please bless UPF, the inspiring legacy of its late founding father, the wisdom of lady Dr. Hak Jahan Moon, also the UPF’s chairman, president and all of its members and volunteers to continue their contributions to building bridges of peace, cooperation and empathy in the world!

Help us all O Allah

To replace hate and revenge with harmony and reconciliation

Brutality and bloodshed with benevolence and brotherhood

Anger and arrogance with empathy and understanding!

War and destruction with dialogue and construction!

Sin and selfishness with sacrifice and life for the sake of others!

O Lord please save this world from the virus of ignorance, injustice, greed and corruption!

Enlighten our minds with the light of Your heavenly wisdom and fill our hearts with humility, hope, love and forgiveness!



IHW Office
Month of Dhul-Hojjaj is both month of pilgrimage and also the anniversary of Marriage performance between Imam Ali and Sayyeda Fatima (SA)

Month of Dhul-Hojjaj is both month of pilgrimage and also the anniversary of Marriage performance between Imam Ali and Sayyeda Fatima (SA)

In the middle of all negative and nasty news at every corner of this planet, we had 4 good news today!

IHW helped establishing 4 new family unions based on Tawhid testimony known as shahadah declaration!

Our warmest congratulations to Neal and Norolhoda, Racan and Khadija, David and Maryam!
Pray for all these 4 new families to stay faithful, friendly, fulfilling and enjoy a journey of peace, love, health and happiness 🌹🌹🌹🌹

I like to appreciate the hospitality and generosity of honorable Attorny hajj Abed Hammoud and his wonderful wife who hosted the Neal-Norolhoda’s Katbel-Kitab in their rewarded residence!
I can’t measure God’s pleasure of what hajj Abed did to help this happen!

ال الصادق(ع)
من زوج اعزبا كان ممن ينظر الله اليه يوم القيامة

و انكحوا الايامي منكم و الصالحين من عبادكم و اماءكم ان يكونوا فقراء يغنهم الله من فضله والله واسع عليم!

IHW Office