8/3/18: Umaa 16th Annual Convention in Dearborn Titled: Imam Redha(SA) Great Leader of Engagement!


Umaa 16th Annual Convention in Dearborn Titled: Imam Redha (SA) Great Leader of Engagement!

Last Friday during the grand opening of the convention, Umaa chairman Dr. Abedi, Dr. Azmat Hussein, Rep. Abdallah Hamoud and Imam Mohammad Ali Elahi welcomed the local and national guests.

Imam Elahi admired the umaa leaders for their 16 years of hard work, courage and commitment.

Talking about the title of the convention imam Elahi reflected on Islam two fundamental features, the Quran and Ahlol-bait (SA)

Imam described the Holy Quran as the most beautiful book in the library of revelation and creation.

A book of universal light, energy, healing and hope.

Referring to the life of Imam Redha, he emphasized on the Imam Diplomacy, dialogue and political engagement which save the school of Ahlol-bait after 200 years of being target of tyranny, torture and terrorism of Baniomayya and Banelabbas. 

Imam Elahi said that the purpose of engagement was to promote what is right and prevent what is wrong and that is an obligation of every member in the faith community.

Imam Elahi concluded that in this Islamophobia atmosphere, fighting ignorance, injustice and hatred is a religious and social duty of every Muslim and fellow citizen.

He ended with the famous expression of “If you want to walk fast, walk alone, but if you want to walk far, walk together”

A long way to go and we need to march together!

IHW Office